Monday, December 31, 2012

*#TimbalandThursdays Exclusive* Attitude - "Can You Blame Me?" (Prod. by Tec Beatz)

"Timbaland Thursdays is a weekly free music started by producer Timbaland. It was inspired by Kanye West's G.O.O.D. Fridays. In an interview with Timbaland stated “So my brother (Sebastian) told me Kanye is puttin' out a new song every Friday called G.O.O.D. Fridays, Swizz got Mondays,” who recently joined Twitter. “I don't know if they are on Twitter but can you hit them up, and tell them reserve that Thursday for Timbo the king baby. We’ll call it Timbo Thursday, cool?”.
Every Thursday, beginning on January 13, 2011, Timbaland planned on releasing a new song available for free download on a specially created website managed by Brian Byrd. All of the tracks come with their own album art."

Reese - “Steezus Christ” (Prod. by Tec Beatz)

"ATLien designer trap lord Reese brings in the new year with this KC exclusive release, “Steezus Christ” produced by Tec Beatz. Following his 2012 momentum building up from mixtape, Reese Vs The World 2, featuring collaborations from the likes of Trinidad James, Fly Union, and Two9′s Curtis Williams, Reese continues to drop quality content. Word on the internet is we’ll be getting a video from the Atlanta native soon as well." -

"...Next up to add to our playlists is a new single from Reese, by carrying on his usual style of rapping on “Steezus Christ”. Acting as a leftover from his previous mixtape, the Tec Beatz-produced track is nothing but a compliment to their end of year finale." -

"If it wasn't enough that we got plenty of Two9 goodies in the past week, fellow Atlanta artist Reese finishes off the year with "Steezus Christ." The song is a leftover from his last mixtape, Reese Vs. The World 2. This is certified stunt music." -

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nelly Talks and Performs CNF (Produced by Tec Beatz) on MTV Mixtape Daily

»Nelly on "CNF" — "I always try to keep some country sh-- on my album. Last mixtape I had 'Country Ass N---a' on this mixtape I got 'Country N---a Fly.' I try to keep that because I'm so proud of that. I said that when we embraced. Yeah, we are country but why does that have to be a bad thing? What does country mean? Why does country have to mean a bad thing? So I wanted to make sure I broke that stereotype and it's not really a bad thing if we embrace it now. So I try to keep somethin' like that always in play."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"State & Madison" - J.U.1, from The Pledge Mixtape

"Hip-Hop can either be used as a tool or a weapon.
The Black Youth Project (BYP) and Power of Purpose, Inc. (POP) are joining forces to provide a platform for those who would like to use hip-hop as a tool.
The Pledge Mixtape is a 14 song CD comprised of songs from various local artists taking back their communal power through music.
Check out these essential tracks below. And remember to take the BYP Action Pledge, and stand with Black Youth against the inequality and injustice that too often define our world."

Visit for more info.

Special Thanks goes to Rhymefest!

Download the entire project here...The Pledge

"State & Madison" (Clean Version) - Written & Produced by J.U.1

Full Tracklist:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chloe Riley (Slip N Slide's New Princess) - B*tch In The Back Preview (Produced by Tec Beatz)

This is a snippet of the Tec Beatz produced "B*tch In The Back" by Slip N Slide's new artist, Chloe Riley. This was featured as a exclusive. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012's breakdown of Lil Wayne's Cannon Remix Featuring JU1ce is a website that breaks down lyrics of popular rap compositions, giving readers a clearer understanding of the various metaphors and references used in Hip Hop. Very interesting site. After coming across the translation of my verse on the Cannon Remix, I was highly entertained. Most of it was very on point, and the others were equally hilarious. They even added a meaning to one of my lines that I didn't even intend. I won't reveal which line, but I like what was added. But check it out for yourself...
Lil Wayne (Cannon Remix) on

Shanell (SNL) of Young Money/Cash Money "What Is Love" produced by Tec Beatz

After popping up and flooding the web a few months back, this video was "somehow" released with the wrong credit information. It was actually produced by Tec Beatz.

Tec Beatz on Letoya Luckett's "Life, L♥ve, & Music" Webisode 1

Check out Tec Beatz in the studio with producers Tha Bizness and former Destiny's Child member LeToya Luckett. Fast forward to the 10:15 mark. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

The RPZ - The Vault - Traps-N-Trunks

The RPZ - The Vault - Traps-N-Trunks

The Vault is a collection of songs we recorded between 2006 and 2011. For a number of the songs, session files were lost due to hard drive failures and computer crashes (an issue which has been resolved by consistent backups!). Rerecord 'em? Good idea, aside from the fact that music, like every other art form, is based off of feeling. True artists of any art form understand it is close to impossible to recreate the exact emotion of a particular moment in time (Especially with the selection 'Jus Imagine'). As a result, instead of bringing the pieces up-to-date, we decided to put them together in a collection series we call 'The Vault'. It serves as the missing frame in the journey of The RPZ, as well as the prelude to our next collective full length project, The Panic Room V4G. No release date has been set. We believe in making sure the work is of A1 quality. So trust, any new music from the group who is aimed at 'replacing' will show growth and maturity. That's referring to our ideas, topics, and actual music. 

To those who genuinely support us, we would like to thank you. We will see you in the future. "What are they gonna do, REPLACE US???"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"FYL" produced by Tec Beatz

The RPZ “FYL” - The new joint from The Panic Room V.4G (PRV4G) - After hearing a “new” song floating round with a “similar” track yesterday, we decided to let ours ride through the highways of the web too. F.*** Y.a L.ife…We’re connected 4evaaaa…Best Frienemies for LIFE!

Traps N Trunks Presents The RPZ: The Vault